Holistic Mental Health Website
Desktop | Phone | Tablet | New Site Design | Branding | UX Design | Content Development | Appointment Setting | Products and Checkout | SEO | Launch
A new site design complete with branding, logo design, messaging, content development, appointment scheduling, and small store for a holistic mental health counseling website.
Project Summary
The previous site had been developed on a server owned by former developers who went AWOL. Luckily, the owner owned the domain. Using GoDaddy’s simple Website Builder, this site was constructed using the owner’s own hosting environment.
Project Details
Client Name
The Holistic Energy Healing Institute
Project duration
1 Week
Directing the URL’s nameservers from the non-functioning server account to a new hosting environment, the goal was to recreate the site entirely and very quickly as it had been down for a while.
UX Design
The site is built using GoDaddy’s website builder. While very limited in design capabilities and no access to the code or CSS, it provided the basic needs to be able to get the fully functional in a short amount of time.

Visual Design
I developed a new logo and a basic color scheme.
Olive Green
Darkest Gray

Fjalla One 32pt
Fjalla One 24pt
Fjalla One 16pt
Fjalla One 14pt
“Fjalla One is a medium contrast display sans serif. Fjalla One has been carefully adjusted to the restrictions of the screen. Despite having display characteristics Fjalla One can be used in a wide range of sizes.” From Google Fjalla One Font
Body Text
Source Sans Pro 32pt
Source Sans Pro 24pt
Source Sans Pro 16pt
Source Sans Pro 14pt
“Source Code was designed by Paul D. Hunt as a companion to Source Sans.This complementary family was adapted from the Source design due to a request to create a monospaced version for coding applications. Source Code preserves the design features and vertical proportions of Source Sans, but alters the glyph widths so that they are uniform across all glyphs and weights.
Although this family was designed specifically for coding environments, for which a regular weight will typically suffice, Source Code has been made available in the same weight range as the corresponding Source Sans design.Source Code Pro currently supports a wide range of languages using the Latin script, and includes all the characters in the Adobe Latin 4 glyph set.” From Google Source Sans Pro Font

All pages were provided with a mobile design so that tables and other layouts appeared properly on smaller screens.