Presecription Refill and Telehealth Site
Desktop | Phone | Tablet | Redesign | UX Design | Server Migration | Forms Development | SEO | Launch
A redesign and development of a prescription refill and virtual doctor site. The old site had nonfunctional forms and a custom-developed theme that had broken.
Project Summary
This site had been pre-built but was not performing. The multi-page forms were set up incorrectly and the theme had been custom-built and therefore updates were not available. I rebuilt the site using the same aesthetics in the Divi theme, rebuilt the forms, redesigned several elements, and added in the necessary SEO that was missing.
Project Details
Client Name
Stopgap Health
Project duration
1 Month
I replaced the outdated custom-built theme with Divi, keeping it nearly the same in appearance. The multi-page forms weren’t working as they should and I reworked them to the client’s satisfaction, also creating an SMTP connection for more secure email results. I also installed HIPAA compliance mechanisms to ensure patient confidentiality. Speed was enhanced with my trio of preferred plugins including a CDN, lazy loading, image compression, and a cache. The site was also optimized for SEO.
UX Design
Divi was used to create a custom UX design through the theme builder. The navigation was switched from a hamburger fly-out menu to a traditional sticky header menu for ease of use on desktop. The pages were also optimized for mobile.

Visual Design
Divi was the theme used to customize the look. I used the original color palette from the former site to work with.

Perfect Red

Deep Blue


Archivo Narrow 32pt
Archivo Narrow 24pt
Archivo Narrow 16pt
Archivo Narrow 14pt
“Archivo Narrow was designed to be used simultaneously in print and digital platforms. The technical and aesthetic characteristics of the font are both crafted for high performance typography. It was designed to be used simultaneously in print and online platforms and supports over 200 world languages.
Archivo is a grotesque sans serif typeface family from Omnibus-Type. It was originally designed for highlights and headlines. This family is reminiscent of late nineteenth century American typefaces. It includes normal, Narrow and Black styles, and was derived from Chivo” From Google Archivo Narrow Font
Body Text
Kumbh Sans 32pt
Kumbh Sans 24pt
Kumbh Sans 16pt
Kumbh Sans 14pt
“Kumbh Sans is a Geometric Sans Serif font envisioned to serve as a multi-purpose font in modern web and mobile applications. The anatomy is geometric with slight contrast. The font’s cap-height vs x-height ratio is kept as 3:2 for optimum legibility at any point size.
Currently the font is available in three variants – Light 300, Regular 400 and Bold 700. I plan to create more variants with the help of contributors if the font gets good response.” From Google Kumbh Sans Font

All pages were provided with a mobile design. Forms were simplified with easy-to-use “next” buttons for a simplified process.